Saturday, May 18, 2019

Creative outlet

I've been a writer of fiction for some time now, and love nothing more than sitting down at my desk to get what's in my head, onto page. Yet I'm also a Visual creative, from paintings to film-making and photography. I have a keen passion for all forms, and my moods alter my attention. I think any creative process is magnificent, and I wonder often why people pigeon hole themselves into one category? Often there is a pressure to only focus on one form of creativity. If you're an artist, how could you possibly be a writer as well? I think there is a stigma attached to creative types dabbling in many forms of creativity, not just from the world of arts, but from public views. It's often seen as a Jack of all trades, but this is wrong. I think creativity comes in flows through the mind. One day it can be strong. The next, not so much. One day you have the need to throw up your mind onto a page and the next, express it with paint or moving images. Creativity cannot be defined by one form, but an expression of the mind, no matter how that may decide to show itself. I would like to know other's views, whether you class yourself as creative or not. Yet I think all of us are, we might just not acknowledge it. Let me know what you think?

Standing in the garden with a light above my head and a mask on, deciding what form of creativity suits my mind today

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